From E-Consultation Guide
Revision as of 02:26, 6 July 2006 by Dave (talk | contribs) (Technical Experts moved to Technologists: don't use expert)
Time (**)
- How much time it will take to setup a technology for consultation activity?
- When consultation process will begin and end?
- How/when consultation activity will be taken place with selected technology?
- How frequently similar consultation will take place in future?
Cost (**)
- How much it will cost to purchase/setup a technology for consultation process?
- What is cost to setup an infrastructure to run e-consultation?
- Do I need to go into training course or hire technical consultant to setup a technology?
- Is it single time service from technology provider?
- Are we investing in technology that can be use in future?
Engagement (*)
- How technology will make effect in engaging participant in consultation process?
- Is there any best practise guide/examples available on using technology for creating greater participation?
- How to select/setup/customise technology to meet different participant needs? Disable, less literate, young people
Case studies (**)
- How technology is used in engaging participant in consultation?
- What are the examples of technology can be used to map different consultation activity.
- Is there any best practise guide available where I can find most suitable technology for consultation activities?
Participation (**)
- Does participant required special skill and knowledge to use technology setup for running consultation activity? What?
- Is there any guide available for technology usage from participant point of view?
- Who is preparing instruction on how to use technology?
- How much cost is to participation in consultation?
- Who/How/When will access technology in consultation process?
Skills (**)
- Do I have skills for setting up consultation technology?
- What skills are required to use technology in consultation process?
- How do I learn to setup e-consultation?
- Where can I find further advice or training course to setup technology?
Usability (***)
- What is usability?
- How do you know usability problems?
- How can you measure usability of consultation technology?
- Why usability is important in consultation technology?
- How do I integrate usability in third-party technology?
- Can usability increase/decrease cost of technology?
- Will it reduce technical support service?
- Does usability improves greater participation in consultation process?
- Are there any guidelines or online resource on usability and standards practise?
Results (*)
- What is use of data collection in consultation process?
- Who will be responsible for managing consultation data? After and during consultation process.
- Are any software/technology will be used in analysis of information?
- Are consultation results will be available to participants? How? When?
Benefits (***)
- What is benefit in doing e-consultation?
- Does technology investment is worth while for long term future?
- Do I need to use technical service from provider or setup my technology for consultation?
- What is benefit to participant on using technology in consultation?
- How my organisation will take advantage using technology in consultation?
What is e-consultation (*)
- What is consultation?
- What is difference between consultation and e-consultation?
- Do we need to have website to run e-consultation?
- How e-consultation is useful/helpful in doing proposed consultation process?
- What are the benefits/drawbacks of doing e-consultation for my organisation?
Resources (***)
- What technical resources available in-house in terms of knowledge, skills, software?
- Does consultation activity required any hardware or portable device like laptop, mobile phones?
- How many man-hours required for configure/setup technology for consultation process?
Relationships (*)
- How/When people will be participating in consultation activity using technology?
- How technology will improve communication with internal, partner’s organisation and member of public during consultation process.
FAQ (***)
- Do I have to know what consultation is?
- How software/technologies can be used in consultation?
- What are different types of e-consultations?
- Who will be managing/moderating consultation technology? How?
- Is there any pre-requisite for running e-consultation?
- Can you give example/case studies where e-consultation has been used in practical?
- Where can I get information about e-consultation tools?
- Can’t find your answer here?
- Some technology is already very popular over internet? What is difference in using same technology for consultation? Context?
- Is it all about setting up online – consultation over internet? Like web application?
Promotion (*)
- Do we need to give online adversities on search engines?
- How can we prompt consultation in own website and partners website?
- Is there any incentive for taking part in consultation with technology? How?
- How can I promote consultation to email list and over internet?
Guidelines (**)
- Why everyone needs online consultation?
- Is there any “Do and Don’t” guidelines available for implementing consultation technology?
- What should I keep in mind when selecting technology for consultation activity?
- Should I select technology that is familiar with everyone and easy to manage during consultation process?
- Are there any example/case studies where technology is used in consultation process?
- How to setup technology that is accessible and use proven standard.
- How much cost is involved in using technology for consultation process?
Translation (***)
- What are aim/purpose/objectives of the consultation?
- What sort of the activities will be taken place during the consultation?
- How/when each activity will be used in consultation? (Is there any assumptions in activity?)
- What is stack holders envisage role in activity?
- Are these activities integrated with each other or any other consultation? How?
- List of the matching technology for each activities of the consultation?
- Is there any single technology or many technology required for consultation?
- How the technology overall will be useful in meet consultation aim/purpose/objectives?
Security (***)
- Define security issues for consultation technology.
- User management
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Data protection
- Data validation
- Conduct security test and planning
- Know common source of security error/violation/attack for web sites, web technologies.
- Are you collecting personnel information on the website/technology?
- Do you have your privacy policy and terms of use available for users?
- How this personnel information will be treated?
- Who will be having access to data colleted with consultation technology?
- What will happen at end of consultation? How would you archive consultation responses?
- Security policy/backup for any unlikely event for technology fails.
Technology, Technology matching (***)
Technology selection process
- Define your needs (Why you need a consultation technology)
- Define consultation case
- Description: a short explanation of the consultation activity
- Reasons: a description of the needs why this consultation activity should be taken
- Assumptions: All the assumptions to make this consultation activity
- Benefits: List of benefits for consulting organisation and participant
- Cost: How much it cost to run this consultation activity
- Investment: Can this consultation activity will be taken in future
- Define consultation case
- Define your selection criteria (Criteria for Technology selection)
- Vendor stability and reputation (support)
- Wide adoption in market
- Does it require any possible changes to meet stack holders needs
- Secure and mature/proven technology
- Training and documentation
- Actual implementation of the technology
- Technology accessibility standards
- List of matching technologies
- Select the best suited for you
- Good description of technology
- Infrastructure required (network)
- Platforms (operating systems, hardware)
- Architectural Integrity (Interaction with other technology, Would it possible to integrate with other technology?)
- Fitness for purpose (Is it meeting purpose envisaged?)
- Expertise (What knowledge should be available in-house, Maintenance and support)
- Maturity of Standard (Is the technology mature and well-proven)
- User needs (Does the technology satisfy the user requirements and Matching stack holders requirements)
- Preservation needs (Is technology is appropriate for long-term preservation)
- Budget (time, money)
Design, planning (*)
- What technical knowledge/expertise should be available in-house?
- How much time is required to implementation of the technology?
- What support, documentation, help are available to implement the technology?
- How much maintenance, training is needed for using technology?
- Is required to customise/change technology to meet envisage use of technology?
- Will it be accessible to participants and consulter?